Research Paper on Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” (Post #13)

    AP Literature and Composition is a college-level that mirrors the content that all college students engage in. We read controversial novels that are from all different genres and discussed a variety of topics. It has been by far my most favorite class this next to AP Biology. This semester, we experienced a taste of … Continue reading Research Paper on Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” (Post #13)

That Nervous Knot in your Stomach (Post #12)

As children and even as we grow into young adults, we read books and novels or watch TV shows and movies that sometimes have a point within it where a main or supporting character is described as having a morning being awakened. The sun shines through the windows, birds are chirping, and the main or … Continue reading That Nervous Knot in your Stomach (Post #12)

Same Difference: A Tug-of-War to Find Friendship in Religion (Post #4)

Religion is somewhat of a fickle thing and can become an obstruction when trying to form new relations, including friendships. In The Chosen by Chaim Potok, he writes about an intense friendship formed by two Jewish boys of different sects in New York during the 1940’s. Potok was a Jewish writer who was born and … Continue reading Same Difference: A Tug-of-War to Find Friendship in Religion (Post #4)