Word of the Month – October (Post #7)

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Seriously, where in the world has the month gone! To me, it is like I blinked my eyes once and it went from October 1 to October 28 in an instant. The leaves have changed their colors completely and slowly fallen to the ground, day by day. I only recently noticed the change in the seasons since I have been so mentally engrossed in both my school work and after school activities. along with college applications. So, yes, the word to describe October for me is engrossed. Time is flying past me left and right and there never seems to be enough for me to compete everything. Almost every day, I am engrossed in my work, weather at school or not. Most of the time, I look up at the clock and outside and only then do I notice how late it has gotten. On the other side of this, I am actually glad that I have been focused so much on my work, as it allows my mind not to wander off and get off track.

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