Word of the Month – September (Post #5)

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September has come and gone, just like it has in previous years. This is the time of year where we bade goodbye to everything Summer and welcome in Autumn. The cold with fog and winds greet me in the morning and follows me throughout the entire day. There are is a vast majority of words that could describe this month. For me, the perfect word is hectic. College application opened last month and it has been a race against time to ensure that I can write my essays and fill out my application in a precise manner. With parents having meetings and C.E’s left and right, my schedule has been changing all the time. It has been fluctuating on a daily and hourly basis. However, I should give thanks to this month to which I dislike so much, for it has allowed me to realize that one needs to become more flexible as they mature and go into the real world.   

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